Tuesday, October 15, 2013

London-End of June 2013


Tom and I went to London for a week the last week in June. We went for the Wimbledon Tennis tournament and to do some sightseeing. Tom travels a lot and earns lot of points. It’s hard that he travels so much but it does allow us to do trips for just us and fun family trips with the kids. We are really lucky that my parents keep the kids for us so we can have this special time together.

Here are some pictures that my mom took during their week with the kids. Mom-Mom, Pops, and Aunt Lis had some fun at some local parks, the pool, and having special treats! Looks like everyone had a blast.

Thanks again Mom and Dad for watching the kids while we went to London.

London pics to follow  after the kids pics!




London’s Calling…..


We took a bike ride around Hyde Park!


We did a Hop On, Hop Off Red Bus tour and then went on the London Eye! We saw ALL of London this way!


In line in the queue for tickets to get into Wimbledon. We waited all day and got in for the evening session on opening day at 5:00. I had strawberries and cream and Tom had a Prim (drink of choice at the tournament). We did see some great tennis including American Sloane Stevens!



The next day we were in line by 7 am and in by 11am.


A rest on Merry Mound (Henan Hill) to watch Serena on the big screen. We saw lots of tennis this day with our grounds pass! Wimbledon is really meant for the fans and just a beautiful venue!!!!


The last day we went we had tickets so we could sleep in and didn’t have to wait in the queue. The queue was very well organized though and made waiting in line easy!


I was able to get get us on Centre Court for FREE and very close to see Roger Federer!!!!! See my baby bump? I was around 15 weeks pregnant when we went!


We enjoyed our 3 full days of tennis!


Our last full day was another day of sightseeing. Here we are at Buckingham palace to see the changing of the guards!




After the changing of the guards we met up with our British friends Becca and Martin! So good to see them. I met Becca in high school when she came over here on an exchange student trip. She was at my friend Colleen’s wedding in 1999 and I haven’t seen her since. We connected on Facebook and then were able to meet up in London. We went to lunch, walked around and did some final shopping. So great to see them!

London was a great trip! We did it all!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

June 2013 Funnies


Here are some random fun photos from June!



CHEEEEESE says my little ham Tucker! In June he was 21 months old!


More silly Tucker! He likes to put food on his head and say. “Hat Mommy”.


Dress up time!


Fun times at Everland Play!


They have dress up clothes that Summer and her friend Carrington LOVED!


Night time golf cart rides with the Dads are fun!


Sweet boy!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Summer’s 4 Year Old Check Up!


So yes Summer turned 4 May 1st but her 4 year old check up wasn’t until June. We missed her 3 year old check up last year because I had a stomach bug and could only reschedule it in June so now every year we are a month behind. Good thing she is 4 now and I am a lot more relaxed about it. Her first year appointments were almost to the day of when they were supposed to be! Winking smile

So we started the check up with a hearing and vision test and Summer did great! I wasn’t able to take any pictures of this because I had monkey boy Tucker with me trying to help the nurse or escape the room! Always an adventure with him around!

Next was weight and height check….


Summer is doing great and is a healthy girl weighing in at 38 lbs 8 oz (72%tile). Her  height is 41.25”(76%tile).

Other stat:

BMI-15.9- 69%tile


Tucker rearranged the chairs and stools, opened all the drawers and wore both his and Summer’s flip flops while we waited.

Summer had to get some shots this visit and was very concerned but she did really great and was actually more upset before they happened then during or after! For being such a brave girl we went to have ice cream after. It was dinner time but sometimes you just have to break all the rules!

