Friday, September 30, 2016

Happy 5th Birthday Tucker David! 9/30/16

Sweet Puppy is still your favorite!
5       F*I*V*E      5
Five is such hard birthday for me to swallow! Oh sweet Tucker how can you be 5?!?
I am so grateful that you are in Pre-K and still at your wonderful Preschool! Next year Kindergarten...I can't even think about it!
What a fun loving, caring, creative, problem solving boy you are! Your imagination is endless.
You love with all your heart and are all boy at the same time!
This past year was a busy one for you! You finished your 3 year old preschool year and as mentioned you have started Pre-K. You absolutely love to learn and have me give you homework when Summer does hers.
You continued to stick with Karate. You started at 3 and now a month ago at age 4 you moved to a Red Uniform. We couldn't be more proud. You are focused and learning such good discipline. Tennis was fun for you in the Spring. You and Summer took lessons together!
This summer you went to Ms. Heathers summer camps and loved the math and science ones the most.
This month you started baseball and you love that as well! You have hit both off the tee and from straight pitch. You care about your team mates and love to practice. You even earned a medal and have been so proud to show everyone!
Disney was also so much fun for you this past year. We had our annual passes again until March and went several times in the fall and then again in February. Your favorites continue to be Toy Story Rides. You have also recently gotten more into Star Wars and you are looking forward to doing Jedi Training when we go back next! You also will get to pin trade (Mommy's rule is that you have to be 5 to pin trade).
In April we welcomed a new puppy to our house-Hope. She's a rescue pup and she seems to think you are her puppy friend. You are always on the floor or laying with her. You love her and she loves you. Puppy Tucker has made more appearances since Hope arrived! You have been very helpful with her and hopefully she will learn that you aren't a puppy soon.
Then this summer we got at BOAT! And boy oh boy do you love that boat! You are meant to be on the lake and love everything about the boat. You don't whine or cry when you are on the boat. You are WAKEBOARDING!!!! Yes at age 4 you wakeboard. It is something to see. You love to wakeboard, tube, fish, swim, explore islands and drive the boat. You are a lake rat my love!!!
Your listening ears tend to still be missing but we are working on it. ;)
Tucker David you have my heart! I love crafting and creating with you. You love to "make something"- cook or craft.
You are your Daddy's partner and love to help him outside and practice baseball. You are lake buddies! Melts my heart!
Oh and you and Piper! You look out for her. She is going to miss you so much at school next year. She looks up to you and you take care of her!
You and Summer play well together- outside and board games. You miss her when she's at school and you are home (so do I. I wish she could join Fun Fridays with us).
My Tucker David-my boy with the biggest heart and who keeps us on his toes.
It is time now to finish up all the birthday traditions that I keep adding on to! I love birthdays!
Birthday Banner, presents, yearly collage, sign on the door, streamers on your bedroom door and now Pancake the Elf will be here for the day!
See 20 questions after the pictures!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!


20 questions
 age 5-2016
  20 questions
1. What is your favorite color? Orange and Red
2. What is your favorite toy? Sweet Puppy
3. What is your favorite fruit? strawberries and grapes
4. What is your favorite tv show? Lego Star Wars
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? strawberries and PB&J Mickey Sandwich
6. What is your favorite outfit? baseball uniform
7. What is your favorite game? Learning games
8. What is your favorite snack? strawberries
9. What is your favorite animal? tiger
10. What is your favorite song? Tooty Ta
11. What is your favorite book? How I Became a Pirate
12. Who is your best friend? new Kyle at school and Piper
13. What is your favorite cereal? Special K Chocolate
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play on our Playground
15. What is your favorite drink? Milk
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Sweet Puppy
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Waffles and Cereal
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Pizza
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Fireman or a Policeman