Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Summer is 9 months old! 1/23-2/1

Summer is NINE months old! She is just so much fun. Her personality continues to come out daily. So many firsts all the time....first foods, discoveries, new giggles and laughs and oh so much fun. She knows when to clap during songs I sing to her (and only her...we all know what kind of singing voice I have) and she loves to read her touch and feel books!
Who would of thought being a parent would be this much fun and so rewarding?
No first tooth yet but we know they are coming.
We have shown a bit of a temper (let's just say she gets that from Daddy) and she is learning the word, No. Not saying it yet, but responding when we say it to her. She says, "Ma Ma Ma Ma" and "Da Da Da Da." She knows when Daddy is away and pats on his side of the bed saying his name.
So many fun professional pictures to come as well. Summer has had 4 photo shoots this past month. 1-for grandparent pictures with my parents 2-with Miss Debbie for her 8 month photos-hats, hats and more hats! 3-with Miss Whitney for her Valentine's photos and then 4-on Monday with Miss Kat for her 9 month photos! Whew!!
Hope you are having a great week! :)
Summer was a little more cooperative this month with the Bunny. Still very wiggly though. I really thought this one was sweet.

So much more fun to sit up with the Bunny, Mommy!

Here's the best one of her on the blanket! She is almost doing "sooooo big" for you!

See ya Mommy!

If you could hear her...giggle, giggle. I am escaping this!!

Summer's 9 month Dr's appointment.
We found out that Daddy is right...our scale is MEAN...well last month I weighed Summer in at 18lbs 13 oz (the proof was in the picture of her on the scale). Well at this appointment she only weighed 18lbs 2.5 oz.
I know she didn't lose weight. She is a little piglet so I guess it is very hard to get an accurate weight on your own...maybe I will just have to stop by the Vet's to use their scale next month??!? Hmmmmm...
Summer is 27 1/2 " long. At least we got that right last month!

Muffins with Mom
Our neighborhood had a Muffins with Mom breakfast and Summer, Mom and I all had a nice time. I had just finished my run for the weekend (as you can tell) so the muffins were really yummy!

Laughing with Daddy! Ha ha Daddy! Mommy let me stay in my PJ's all day!!

Here we are waiting in the car pool line to pick up Emmy. I took a bunch of these and this was the best. Summer was determined to grab the camera and then it started raining so I needed to get her back in her car seat.

Reading a book while we wait.

Learning to drive while we wait.

Hi Mommy!

It has just been too chilly here in GA! Here Summer is in her winter hat and coat.

YAY! We are finally heading out the door.

"Nn" Day at Mommy and Me.
Summer is with Ms. Nancy.
Happy Birthday Ms. Nancy!

Our turn for snack!

A snowball fight with cotton! FUN!
Oh-Summer did have shoes but as usual she gets them off. She would rather chew on them then wear them! Oh well!

Oh so you saw in the last blog post Summer playing in my dirty laundry. Nice right? Well she also likes to play in clean laundry. Here's that same load all clean. She was trying to climb in so while I got the camera Daddy helped her get in!

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