Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Family Reunion Part 1-Friday and Saturday

Labor Day Weekend-A Reunion in Reunion
Part 1
What a fun busy weekend! We had Family Reunion here in GA for my Mom's side of the family. We had family come in from all around the country- South Carolina, Maryland, Florida, California, and New Hampshire. It was great to all be together again and have 6 of the second cousins together.
Friday night Tom, Summer and I hosted a welcome BBQ at our house. Not everyone was in yet and for some reason I didn't take a lot of photos but I sure made up for that the rest of the weekend.
Thanks for coming everyone! We had a great time!

Summer is all ready to be the perfect hostess (by sharing her toys).

Summer, Parker, Maddy and Alexis.

Getting ready to eat!


On Saturday a bunch of us headed to the Aquarium!

Summer meets Deepo (looks a lot like Nemo, huh?).

Melissa and Maddy

Parker and Stephanie

Summer loved the fish!

Roman looking at the Beluga whales.

Alexis and Summer

What a tiring time at the Aquarium. Time for a nap!

Holly, Stephanie and Parker

Dad and Jason

Mom with Summer and Maddy


All 6 little ones together.
Front-left to right-Roman, Alexis, Parker
Back-left to right-Maddy, Summer and Orion
Roger, Dad, Parker, Mom, Aunt Nancy and Andrea

What a busy day! Jake and Orion.

More to come!!!

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