Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The calm before the storm…..October 2013 Part 1

The beginning of October started out normal…well normal for us, which is busy busy busy but fun! Back to school pictures, Dress appointments, gymnastics, and a visit to an Alpaca Farm! Take a look….


I coordinated the kids outfits for school pictures so I could get individual pictures and a picture of them together. These photos are funny. Just shows you what I go though to get that one I post to Facebook. LOL

Their school pictures did turn out great and I am so glad I was able to get both individual an one of them together.




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Here’s our lot that we are building on! I went to get some pic of it in the daylight with the Under Contract sign!


Tucker’s 2 year old Dr’s appointment. He is measuring right in the middle and a very happy healthy boy!



A visit to an Alpaca Farm! OH so fun! Of course my kids weren’t afraid of them at all and had fun feeding them and chasing them!



Gymnastics fun! Mom usually takes Summer but she was away so Tucker and I got to watch Summer do her thing! Winking smile She often does “routines” for us at home that include both gymnastics and dance moves!


Here I am at 7 1/2 months pregnant!

More October on it’s way….

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