Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Happy FIRST Birthday Piper Leigh! 12/11/14

Happy First Birthday!

Yes, this is happening, Piper is turning 1.

I truly cannot believe how fast this past year has been. It has gone just as fast as you arrived my Sweet Little P. You came five minutes after we arrived at the hospital and now it is hard to believe that you are turning 1!

You are such a sweet, happy baby. You have kept those baby blue eyes. The exact shade since you were born. Your sweet smile and dimples make us all smile ALL the time. Your giggles are contagious and your big brother can sure get you giggling.

You are such a tiny petite thing but you sure can make your voice be heard. We know when you want something or something has made you unhappy.

You are also so close to walking and have been for several months now. You were crawling by 6 months-and you are super FAST. I think you are so fast so you can keep up with your sister and brother. You have been cruising and holding onto things for at least 2 months but you haven’t taken those first steps on your own.

Let’s talk about you and your Dada! You are a Daddy’s girl! You adore him and will crawl to him whenever he enters a room and reach those arms to him. It is the sweetest thing. You don’t say many words yet but have your own way of communicating. You can say Dada, Mama, that, and your own version of Thank You and Daisy (our sweet beagle).

You like to stick to those you know and cry when passed to or left with people you don’t know real well.

You love food but go through phases when Mama has given you something too often. You never seem to tire of bananas though and you are always trying to steal your big sisters food.

Sweet Piper, you hate baths. Mama has tried all different kinds. You would much rather stand and watch your sister and brother then be in the tub.

You are just so adored in this family and we are so happy you are here!

This past year we built a new house so you would have your own room and now you do! You and Summer share a “Jill and Jill” bathroom (instead of Jack and Jill) and you seem to like to sleep in your own room in your crib. Although not so much that you are sleeping through the night consistently. Mama is ready for that.

You have done a fair amount of baby modeling this past year and you made the ads and some packaging. Pretty neat!

You have already been to Disney World 4 times and you are not a fan of the characters yet. Nor are you a fan of Santa!


Sweet girl you have changed so much! Mama had monthly pictures taken of you. Here’s some from your Newborn, 3, 6, 9, and 11 month photos shoots. Also your birthday inviting. Your birthday theme is Winder ONEderland!

We can’t wait to see all the new and exciting things you will be doing over this next year.




3 Month Photos



6 month photos
Summer and Tucker did these for their 6 month photos as well!


9 month photos


11 month photos

These are similar to some that Summer had taken at Christmas when she was 7 months old.

The First Birthday Invitation:


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