Monday, October 11, 2010

September-16 months

So believe it or not I have been doing one post a week this past month! I just had a lot to catch up on. Here are all the other pictures from September that haven't been seen! Summer continues to grow and change. She really is trying to repeat lots of words so watch what you say. She heard me say, "Dumb, Dumb" and repeated that for a week. Opps! :)
Meow, Meow still tends to be her favorite. She also goes around the house pointing at her pictures and saying baby. You would imagine with all the pictures we have of her that's all we really here. She signs more when she wants to eat. It works. She still loves breakfast the best but is eating more and more. Don't know where it is all going but feel a growth spurt on the way.
Here's sweet Summer in September!
Enjoy! :)

I love this picture! I was only able to catch it with my camera phone but it came out pretty good. She was patiently waiting for a snack. So sweet!

Daddy was able to come join us for gymnastics one morning. Summer loved having him there. It was also teddy bear day so Summer brought Oatmeal, a Build-a-Bear that her cousin Hadley made her.

Summer and her friend Addison are in the same class. They hang together on the bar a lot but of course it is always hard to get a picture!

One of Summer's favorite toys is her Little People. Here she is lining them up on them up on the coffee table and then next she puts them in a bowl she found in the kitchen.

So proud! Look at that tongue!

Emmy mad Summer a car out of a cardboard box. Summer loved Emmy pushing her around in it!

Berry time! Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries! YUM!

Summer found my sunglasses!

So I had to start getting Summer cups of ice water when I get a drink somewhere with a straw. She really likes my Starbucks Frapps but so far is happy with her water. Here she is already to take Daisy on a walk with her water, sunglasses and hat. She is a mess and always makes me smile! :)

Daddy and Summer pointing to each others mouths!

Summer loves to play with cars. Of course I had to find a pack with a pink one in it.

More Gymnastics pictures! She is learning to jump and really likes to "smash" the bug to jump off the spring board.

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