Friday, December 24, 2010

Daisy's Christmas Letter 2010

Merry Christmas from Daisy! Here's her Christmas letter for you! Daisy, our beagle, and our Tuxedo cat, Alexander work together to do our Christmas letter every year. Daisy tells Alexander what to type! Enjoy!


Hi Y'all,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here is a quick update to let you know about everything that we have been doing this year. Actually, I have spent most of my time with Alexander (the cat) laying around and running from Summer, but Mom, Dad, and Summer have been on the go.

My Dad started his new job with Boral at the very end of 2009 and has had a very busy year. He really seems to enjoy his job and is very excited about his future with the company and the product that he is helping to launch!

His job took him to Las Vegas last January and Mom got to go with him. Summer and I stayed with our Grandparents in Georgia and it was the first long trip they took without Summer; however they have been traveling without me for years. They also went to Paris in May for the French Open. They really enjoyed the trip and got to watch some great tennis including: Roger Federer, John McEnroe and the Williams sisters. They also visited Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, and at some really yummy food. They didn't bring me any food, but everyday they got baguettes and put them in my Dad's backpack to snack on. I did get to smell his backpack (y'all know how beagles have a great nose) when they got home and his backpack smelled exquisite.

We have been very fortunate to have my Mom stay home with Me, Alexander and Summer. She really seems to enjoy spending time with us and watching Summer grow. Even though Mom has been staying home she has been very busy. She ran two 1/2 marathons this year, taken countless photos of Summer, played a lot of tennis, been very active in neighborhood activities and on the go with Summer all the time (Summer has lots of activities that Mom takes her to). Summer is like my Mom's "social sidekick." Mom also helped organize and host a family Reunion for her side of the family, that took place here in Georgia, and helped make sure Mom, Dad and Summer made a trip to Indiana to see Dad's family. She is so good to my Dad.

Since Summer came a long, life for Alexander and me had been pretty good that is until April of this year...Summer learned to walk. Ever since, she thinks we are her personal entertainment. She clearly thinks my tail is a leash and feels compelled to grab my "leash" and take me for a walk, not cool. Sometimes she will take my bone away from me, or steal Alexander's food and give it to me. I know she loves us, when she is running errands with Mom and Dad, she will will say "Daisy and Meow Meow" when she is ready to go home. I do think she has a great sense of fashion as she sure does love her shoes and will pat her head and say "bow" when she wants to accessorize. I can tell she is learning more and more each day. I love seeing how happy she makes my parents.

It has definitely been a busy year, and it doesn't look like 2011 is going to slow down either. Mom and Dad are going on a cruise, both are running a half marathon in March, and Dad is going to ride his bike across Iowa later in the year.

Y'all be sure to have a Merry Christmas and Happy 2011!


Me (Daisy), Alexander, Jen, Tom, and Summer
The Zimmerman's


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