Sunday, July 29, 2012

Disney-Last Post…


Part 4-Animal Kingdom and back to Magic Kingdom

Kind of sad to do the last blog post! I want to go back. It was so great to be all together and especially to have Summer and Hadley spend time together. They truly adore each other and it is so sweet to see. Tucker also loves the girls and they were happy to stop and talk to him or try and make him smile.


We go into Animal Kingdom early to go have breakfast with some very special people!


Aunt Kelly made Summer and Hadley matching Minnie Mouse shirts and they were purple skirts to go with them. They were too cute! Wait until you can see the front even better. We had breakfast with Mickey, Donald, Daisy and Goofy!


Tucker loved Mickey’s nose!


Aunt Kelly also made Tucker a Mickey shirt. Too cute!!


Time for the Animal Safari ride! Summer really liked seeing all the animals and you really do feel like you are on a Safari ride.



Time to meet Meeko and Pocahontas!



Summer fell asleep on the drive from Animal Kingdom to Magic Kingdom. She had her Minnie and Mickey right by her side.


Meeting Rapunzel was on the top of the girls list for Disney! We were lucky and when we walked back into Magic Kingdom we were able to be one of the first in line to meet Rapunzel. The girls looked so cute in their matching outfits with Rapunzel!


Tucker thought Goofy was funny! Goofy is Melissa’s favorite Disney character.


Train ride time! Hadley, Summer and Mom.


Joe, Tom and Melissa


Dad, Tucker and I



Let me tell you our ice cream story! The girls wanted their face painted like mine from the day before (I got mine done at Epcot). Well we had to walk to the other side of Magic Kingdom to get to the face painting and because of the heat they had closed early. They felt bad so they gave each of the girls a free ice cream slip. Well when we went to get their ice cream we found out that each slip would get us 10 ice creams because there were 10 of us in our group! So we all had ice cream and Dad had 2 since Tucker was too little to have his! Disney does it all right!! It’s never too hot for ice cream…..



After our ice cream it was time for “It’s a Small World After All”. Yes, now that song is stuck in my head. It just happens! Tucker and I almost didn’t make it on the ride when I was trying to take the group photo!


So these seems appropriate. You see them at the end of the ride and it was pretty much the end of our day. We did some shopping and walking around but soon it was time to head back to our house.  Good Bye Disney! We had a wonderful time and we can’t wait to come back!


Okay! I realized there are some pictures from the next day before we headed back to GA! We had breakfast and went to downtown Disney where I got the girls matching 2012 Minnie Mouse's because both were so good and so sweet and I just love to spoil them!

Here’s a couple more pictures and then I promise the Disney blogs are coming to a close.



Sweet Cousins!