Thursday, June 13, 2013

April 2013-Spring Break Part 1

We kicked off our April with Spring Break! We had Tucker’s 18 month Dr’s appointment, lots of park play dates and Dada even took off on Friday! It was a fun week!


In the waiting room Tucker was all smiles!


He did not like getting weighed. Tucker discovered the stool and light switches as we waited to see Dr. M.

Tucker weighed in at 23lbs 14 oz –22%tile

Height-32 1/4”-63%tile

Growing well!


After Tucker’s Dr’s appointment we went to the park across the street to meet up with friends!


Tucker, Jess, Ellie, Summer, Carrington, and Grayson


Another day we went to this really different park in the woods. Everything was made of wood and you could climb on it all. Tucker wasn’t sure what to think of the bear at first. It was really sweet watching him trying to decide if it was real and would lick him or not.




Summer got invited to a skate night! It was her first time roller skating and she did great!


She even found her friends Callie and Aidan!

This was a great start to Spring Break. Part 2 to come!

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