Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer-almost 2 months! (June 22nd-30th)

Summer's First Road Trip
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Jen: One overnight bag and one travel bag
Tom: One overnight bag, one bookbag, one laptop bag and one bike
Summer: One diaper bag, one extra large LL Bean bag, one playmat, one Moses Bed, one Moses Bed stand, one stroller one diaper changing pad, one boppy pillow.....and she used all of it!!!
Travel with a baby-not light! :)
Summer in her extra large LL Bean bag-Thanks Roger!

Summer is all tired out from the party for Uncle Jerry's 50th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jerry!

Summer is so strong!!

Tom and Jerry did a 50 mile bike ride for Jerry's 50th birthday. It was all up hill. I guess for Jerry is is all "Up Hill" from here!

Summer just had lunch and is a happy girl at Weaver Street!

Aunt Beth with Summer the night we arrived.

My view of Summer from the front in the truck.
One of the rare times she was awake. She slept most of the time during the 6 hour drive.

We took Pops to a Gwinnett Braves game for his Father's Day gift. He is wearing the hat that we got him and the shirt that Summer got him!

I lke my Bumbo Seat (it is actually another brand -"Summer"). Summer is doing so well holding her head up and sitting up.

Playgroup at Noah's.
He was so surprised that a baby was in the sling. :)

There's Summer!
Noah decides to give the sling a try. No worries...Summer wasn't in it, his lovey frog was instead! Maybe he will be able to help out with the twins when they come!

Summer and Mommy at playgroup.

Tummy Time with Coleson at playgroup.

My onesie matches my lovey!

I am not a happy girl.

Mommy and I are in matching outfits....purple and white.

Summer and Daisy spending time together!

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