Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Time! (6/17-6/21)

Happy First Father's Day Daddy!
Summer and I made breakfast in the morning. Summer gave Daddy a special picture fram that said, "Born to be a Cubs Fan" with her picture in it (she is wearing her Cubs onesie). We also went to dinner with Mom-Mom, Pops, Aunt Lis and Uncle Chris.

I Love Dad!
Happy Father's Day!

Look how long I am getting!

My first Polo dress!

Kelly, the hostess for playgroup this week. Summer had her mid morning meal and then slept the rest of the time.

Kelly checks out Summer. Kelly is about to be a big sister in less then a month. She did really well with Summer.

Coleson and Hailey at playgroup.

Miss Amber gave Summer this adorable outfit! The hat actually fits!

Anne with Ella Rae at playgroup. Sorry Noah we didn't get a picture of you. We will this Thursday when you are the host!

Aunt Janna, don't go!!! We miss you!

Daddy and Summer!

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