Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer almost 4 months (8/24-8/31)

Summer will be 4 months tomorrow(9/01/09)! Her last week of being 3 months was sure a busy one! So many outfits so little time......

Our first Mommy and Me in our neighborhood with Ms. Nancy. Summer loved it. She really likes to move and loved the stories Ms. Nancy read.

She also got to make a frog hat. I couldn't get her to wear it

but eating it seemed like fun!

"Hi Mommy, Do you like my frog?"

Mommy and Me tired Ms. Summer out!

Aunt Lis watched Summer on Saturday night.

Here she is at the park with us the next day.

Still too small for the swing but I thought we would give it a try. There was another little one on the swing next to us and Summer was really interested in him.

Saturday was such pretty weather that Tom decided to plant flowers

and Summer, Daisy and I decided to watch him.

Summer had fun watching Daddy until she saw her feet!

Matching outfits...jeans and white eyelet shirts!

Summer and I went to visit the Olliver Family. I taught Matthew 2 years ago-my first year teaching first grade. Here Summer is with Lillie, Matthew's sister.

Matthew with Summer.

Lille has her own camera and took lots of pictures of Summer.

Summer didn't mind at all. She is used to it!
Summer and I had a great visit! Thanks for having us over Olliver Family!

Tennis! Tennis! As the US Open starts it is only fitting that Summer have a

photo shoot with her tennis outfit and tennis gear!

I love this one...she is sitting on the tennis racket!

Somehow Summer got these 2 toys on her arm. Pretty impressive!

Once again...scooting off the playmat! SO SO funny, isn't it Mommy?

Some pictures outside with our Bunnies By the Bay bunny outfit and Duck lovey.

Thanks Aunt Lis for the new special lovey!

It was a little bright out there for Summer Lynn's eyes.

Summer's first ride in her jogging stroller. Daddy had to change the buckles so Summer wouldn't go flying all around. It worked out great when Mommy took it to intervals all around the hills in the neighborhood.

Alexander has found a new place to rest!

Summer loves to look at herself in the mirror. It must be fun to see a baby!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer in August (8/18-8/23)

Summer is growing like a weed. Wait until you see the picture of her on her quilt from my students last year. I have the 1 week photo and a current one! This week Summer is going to do the "commentary" for you! Enjoy my Little Bit!

All Smiles! I love the camera. Mommy sure does use that thing a lot. She told me she can't wait to get me one of those new kid proof ones. By the way Mommy only makes me wear these bows for photo shoots. We went with Mom-Mom and Aunt Lis to get pictures at the mall. They put a bow on me for a while there too!

Hey Mommy, where did you go?

That silly Mommy. I giggle now and Mommy is just the funniest!

Here I am on the quilt when I was 1 week old. Mommy said I was such a peanut. It's me, just smaller!

Here I am now at 16 weeks! I am getting "sooooooo big."
Mommy says this to me all the time while moving my arms. Whatever keeps her happy.

I don't know if you can tell but I am in my Maryland onesie. Mommy says we might go there in October and she will tell all about what Maryland is.

Here I am having a rest. It was so tiring getting all those pictures done with Mommy, Mom-Mom and Aunt Lis. At least they took the bow off my head at this point. :)

Here I am with my Aunt Lis!!! I love my Aunt Lis. She watched me while Mommy played Bunco. Mommy left the wrong setting on the camera so our pictures look blue.
Silly Mommy!

I love my new toy-the exersaucer. My feet hit the bottom and I can spin slowly around. There is so much for me to do. I can even still put my hand in my mouth while I play!

Hi, I am Summer! I like to talk all the time.
I don't know why Mommy doesn't understand but I have a lot to say!

I am going to get my fist in my mouth!

I got my fingers!

What you don't know is that Pops was making faces at me while Mommy took this photo. That Pops is so funny!