Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer's Busy, Busy Week! (8/3-8/9)

Summer had such a busy week! The Fishers/Smiths came to visit from MD and we had a great time with them.
Summer also has been scooting a lot (see video in this blog) and rolled over for the first time (also on video in this blog). She is ever changing all the time.

Summer standing with Daddy's help.

Look at those cute feet and toes!!

We went to Pine Mountain, GA to the Wild Animal Park. It's like a safari and we got to feed and drive through the many different animals. Summer was awake and seemed to enjoy the drive. Her favorite part was when Aunt Paula would make the animal noises!

Aunt Paula, Sarah, Maddy, Nate and Mike!

Mom and Alexis.

That's my hand trying to feed the Zebra. Of course I ended up screaming and dropping the food! LOL

The driver (Dad) gets a kiss!

Summer loved the trip to the Zoo!!

Aunt Lis with Maddy, Summer and Alexis. She has her hands full.

The girls were getting ready for diaper changes in the back of the Mercedes and decided to hold hands. So sweet!
Shopping with our Mommy's wore us out!

Daddy measured me for Mommy so she could get my 3 month height!

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