Monday, December 7, 2009

Summer is 7 months old! (12/1-12/7)

Happy 7th Month Birthday Summer!
Wow Summer is 7 months old and about to celebrate her first Christmas. So many firsts and so many changes. She is 17lbs 8 oz and holding at 26 1/2 inches long! Summer has been having so much fun crawling around and "helping" Mommy and Daddy decorate for Christmas. It's a little slow going this year with the decorations but it will get done.
Summer's newest thing is to smack her lips together and blow raspberries. I have been trying to catch a picture of it but of course I am not quick enough and she just smiles! :)
It was a year ago that I was anxiously awaiting to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Hard to believe she is here and I truly cannot picture life without our sweet baby girl, Summer Lynn.
During this busy time take a second to relax and enjoy the special people in your life!
Until next week....

The bunny pic on 12/1/09 when Summer turned 7 months old.

I am done with these pictures and getting out of here!

Hey, how did my bunny get there?
(Summer can pull herself up on anything. She often likes to play on the outside of her exersaucer now.)

Let's see, what do I want to play with next?

Getting ready to try some oatmeal for the first time. While Summer was waiting for Mommy she was entertained by Alexander.

Pretty yummy! Much better then those carrots!

Daisy came to check things out.
Daisy is awaiting the table food stage so she can help clean the floor!

Here Summer is checking out her Christmas board books!

This is a great tasting Christmas book!

Hmmmm...not sure what I did with these pics! Here's Summer at Mommy and Me today on the parachute!

We learned about Hanukkah today at Mommy and Me.

A sleepy girl after Mommy and Me.

This is one of the pictures I got when I was trying to get a pic of her blowing raspberries.
A couple of pics are missing so I will just include them next week!

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