Friday, December 18, 2009

We might not have it all together but together we have it all!

December 8th -18th
So yeah this holiday season has left me feeling a little frazzled. I still have some cards to mail and lots of shopping to do! However, we may not have it all together this year but together we really do have it all. Tom started a new job and is so happy and I continue to love every minute of being a Mommy to Summer and getting to stay home with her. I am just trying to take it all in and let things go! For those of you that know me that's not always an easy thing to do.
Last weeks blog posting was of her 6 month photos. This week is a typical update. I am also working on a Christmas Picture blog update. I have Santa pics, some Christmas 6 month photos, and more!
Hope this Christmas season is going well for you! Remember, it will all get done! :)

My friend Melanie and I have been helping each other out with our babies. On Tuesday she watched Summer for me while I went to Boot camp and on Thursday I watched Lawson for her so she could go to her other son's Christmas Party. As you can see Summer and Lawson had the best time hanging out together.

"So Summer, I really like your dog Daisy".

Christmas Party at Mommy and Me
Summer with her friend Addison at Mommy and Me.
They both liked chewing on their bells.

So Tom and I took a 2 day trip to Nashville, TN. This was the first time I had spent a night away from Summer. I actually did really well.
Summer stayed with my Mom and Dad and Ms. Nancy and Mr. Ron.
Of course I had to get Summer something while we there and I thought a cowgirl hat was perfect and pink too!

Thanks Mommy and Daddy! I love it!

Here are Tom and I on a riverboat ride through our hotel-The Gaylord Opry. It was like a miniature version of Disney World. We had a great time!

Hanging out with Aunt Lis!

Playing on the outside of her exersaucer.

Summer discovers the Christmas tree! Between Summer and Alexander (the cat) we have had lots of ornaments "fall" down.

Summer has been able to pull herself up for several weeks now. This past week she started furniture surfing. Our couch is perfect for furniture surfing!

Summer decides to visit Alexander on the chair!

I got Summer this sock monkey at an ornament exchange. It had an ornament string on it that I cut off so it could be her Christmas lovey! So fun!

Hey Mommy, what are you doing on the computer? (Looks like I was updating Summer's blog!)

I love my Aunt Lis!

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