Monday, March 8, 2010

9 Month Photo Shoot 2/1/10

Here are some photos from Summer's 9 month photo shoot with Ms. Kat. I can't believe these were taken over a month ago. Where did February go? We are already starting to think about Summer's first birthday (less then 2 month away). I am loving being a Mommy and watching our sweet girl change and grow is just amazing. Plus think of all the photos I have showing her growth and changes. I blog and scrapbook so all the stories that go with the photos are there as well.
It's finally a warm and sunny day so I need to get going and get Summer out in this beautiful weather (while it lasts)!

I love her name in the blocks!

Yes, this is a real tea cup set and yes Summer did break one. Sorry Ms. Kat!

Bubble Bath FUN!

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