Monday, March 29, 2010

Summer plus Mommy and Daddy March 15th-22nd

Busy times for Summer, Mommy and Daddy these past couple of weeks!
Summer: She has her front two top teeth coming and F A S T! She has been a little fussy but is doing better! More news... she is getting closer and closer to walking! She took 3 steps for Daddy this past weekend and has done 2 for Mommy! WOW! This week she turns 11 months! Crazy crazy! We are working on her 1st birthday party. WOW!
Daddy: He won City Finals in his T2 Tennis League with his tennis partner, Sam. They played great and won their LEAGUE! Go Tom! Daddy has also been back to biking and is training for
tri-athalon in August.
Mommy: She ran her first 1/2 marathon! She couldn't have done it without the support of family and friends! Thanks to her loving husband, her parents and Aunt Lis for their support and taking care of Summer during all those early morning training runs. Thanks to Janet, Melanie, Jessica and Kelly for being such supportive training buddies. I can't wait for the next one! Thanks for all of you who supported me with your donations to March of Dimes. We ran for Wyatt and Jack and I know they were looking down on us as we ran. It was amazing to do this for such a great reason.

Plenty more Easter pics to come!

"Uu" day at Mommy and Me. Unfortunately we have needed our Umbrella's a lot recently.

Part of the Baby Steps team. Me, Janet, Jessica and Kelly.

Melanie, Janet, Jessica and Kelly

Run Jen Run!!

We did it!
Jessica, Me, Greg (Jack and Wyatt's Dad), Janet and Kelly.

The day before my run Summer and I were at the courts watching Tom win the City Finals! Summer wasn't sure what to think of her shades!

Just relaxing waiting for the tennis to start!

You can see she is watching intently. Summer already loves tennis!

So proud of Tom and Sam!! To make the City Finals and win they had to win their division and all the matches in playoffs!!

Sweet Summer on a warm Spring Day!

Our neighbors flowers! So pretty. Summer was very interested in the pine straw.

What can I say? Babies love me! Summer is looking up at a balloon!

Making Mommy so proud...looking at books!

Look what I found Mommy, tennis racquets!

Check back soon for some Easter pictures!

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