Friday, April 2, 2010

11 months old and Pre-Easter Events

Summer is 11 months old (as of April 1st). I can't believe the countdown is on to her first birthday. I already have her invitations! WOW! It did go quick and I am loving every minute of it. You will see that I was only able to get one bunny shot. Someone asked me if I am going to still make her do this when she is 16. You never know! I don't even want to think about her being 16. I love my sweet Summer just how she is and in the moment.
There have been lots of Pre-Easter activities going on in our house and neighborhood so enjoy those. Tomorrow is the big Easter Egg hunt so that should be fun. Plus I have Easter pics with live bunnies to share. I am sure they will be posted on here on Sunday! Happy Spring (or maybe Happy Summer since it's been in the 80's here). :)

She flipped right after I took this picture. So fast! This was the ONLY one I got! Not bad!
I would rather hug my bunny Mommy!

Or hide behind the bunny!

Easter gifts from Grandpa Max and Grandma Susie! Books! Summer loves books.

Let's see how many I can read at once! Thanks Grandma Susie and Grandpa Max!

A visit to MiMi, one of our neighbors!

Let's see what I have in this basket!

At Mommy and Me Summer had her first Easter Egg hunt. I set her in the pinestraw and she didn't move. She just played with her basket and the pinestraw. I now know where to put her if I ever need her to sit still. She is always in constant motion...which reminds me-my cell phone took a swim yesterday. Summer found it in her diaper bag and took it out. I saw this and was not concerned and continued ordering her birthday invitations (I just couldn't wait for nap time) when the next thing I see is Summer putting my cell phone in Daisy's and Alexander's water dish. Yup it is still drying out! Oh well! Always in constant motion! Maybe some pinestraw for the living room???

What is this stuff?

Ms. Nancy is the teacher for Mommy and Me. Every time Summer sees Ms. Nancy she starts dancing! Very sweet!

Mommy I am going to get these off my head!

Happy 2nd Birthday Connor! Summer went to Connor's Birthday party at Imagination at Play. She had a great time!

More Easter fun! Summer got an Easter package from Maryland! The Sawyer Family sent a cute package. Leah (5 years old) really had a great time getting everything together for it. There was even small gifts for Tom and I. That is actually my picture Summer is holding!

Very fun goodies! Thanks Sawyer Family!!!

Emmy and Summer having fun with Easter Eggs!
I caught you Summer Lynn! She is on the hearth of the fireplace and knows that she shouldn't be up there!

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