Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 20th-31st 2010

August is almost past us! So my 15 month old sweet girl turns 16 months tomorrow!
The end of the month has been a busy blur and we have some fun events coming up that we are excited for. Stay tuned!

Mr. Brett took some good pictures at a farewell party for our friend Carrie.

We will miss you Carrie!

Carrie's youngest son, Luke, and Summer had a great time together. This is just the sweetest picture of the 2 of them.

We caught you! What happens at your grandma's stays at grandma's (until Mommy finds the pictures in her inbox). Summer had a grand time pulling apart her Mom-Mom's sewing box.

Oh so excited! Getting ready for Mommy and Me for the year. I can't believe that last year she started Mommy and Me at 3 months old. I have an alphabet scrapbook from last year. It goes from 3 months to 12 months. Ask me to see it sometime!

Mommy and Summer!

Dancing in the middle of everyone! Busy busy! Summer had a blast!

Listening to a story!

Her school bus mask! :)

Hanging out in Daisy's bed with Mommy's book.

Let's see what book Mommy should read next.

Mommy wanted to fool around with her camera and found a perfect subject. A little blurry but a fun pic.

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 11th-19th

Busy Bee Summer-August 11th-19th
I will start off with the most important.... Summer's 15 month Dr.'s appointment. Unfortunately I didn't have a memory card in my camera so I didn't get any pictures at the Dr.'s but I did come home and snap some.
Summer now weighs 22 lbs 5.5 oz (22 percentile) and is 31" (62 percentile)! "She is tall and skinny" said, Dr. M. She is a good eater and is continuing to grow just fine! Dr. M was happy with all of Summer's progress.
Poor Summer had to have her blood tested so they pricked her toe (no tears). Mommy couldn't look. Blood makes me queasy. I am okay with needles. NOT okay with blood. Next up Summer had 2 shots. She cried initially but recovered within a minute and was waving bye-bye. She is a tough cookie. She was most fascinated with the band-aides.
In this post you will also get to see Summer hanging out with Daisy and Alexander. You will also see her proudly sitting in the chairs she climbs up!

Summer decided that this pink Hippo needed to come with her to the Dr.'s and she held on to it the whole time.

See Summer's 2 band aides? Poor thing had 2 shots.

Here she is trying to look at them both. She spun around a couple times. :)

Here's her Meow-Meow. She was happy he wasn't running away. I think Alexander felt safer high up.

I did it!

Then later she climbed up again and I caught her trying to type on my laptop. Look at that face!

Cuddling with her Dede. That's Daisy's latest name. She really is trying hard to get Daisy's name right.

My parents went to Hawaii in the spring and brought back this Hawaiian dress for Summer with some matching flower hair clips.

We went to Aunt Lis' house to have dinner last week. We were getting ready to leave so Summer had her PJ's on and was getting a little giddy past bedtime!

Kisses for Aunt Lis!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 1st- 10th Summer is 15 months old!

Summer is 15 months old! Time is flying. The heat this summer has seemed endless but we have had a lot of fun!

We have Summer's 15 month Dr's appointment next week but according to the scale at Daisy's vet Summer is 21lbs. Don't worry Daisy had an appointment and Summer was with me so I didn't just take Summer to the vet to get her weight! :)

Summer is such a busy girl. As you know she has discovered shoes but still walks on her tiptoes most of the time. When I was little I had the nickname "Little Ballerina" so far it hasn't become Summer's nickname-yet!

Summer takes one nap a day and is finally sleeping in a little for her Mommy. I really can't complain since she has been sleeping through the night for almost a year now. She was getting up between 6 and 6:30 until about a week ago when we switched around her naps and now she goes to bed at 7 and sleeps until 7/7:30. Summer hasn't shown much attachment to a doll, lovey or blanket but she does sleep with 2 lovey's. One tucked under each arm. So far it doesn't matter which 2 so I try and rotate them a lot (she has at least 6 of them). It's very sweet! When she wakes up she hands them to me and then puts her arms up for me to lift her out. Then she puts them back in in crib. She really can just melt your heart!

Her favorite word right now is "Meow Meow". It started with our cat, Alexander, and other cats but now it is any animal, including our dog Daisy. We are trying to teach her dog or woof woof but she just loves "meow, meow". Poor Daisy used to be Da Da as well. :)

Summer climbs up and down the steps super fast and has just discovered that she can climb and sit (and stand for that matter) in our chairs. This is great fun for Summer. Not so much for Mommy.

When Summer gets mad, as most toddlers will when you take them off the chair they are standing on or take them away from the water dish they were playing in, she will stamp her feet and start crying. Not for long and sometimes it's hard not to laugh at her but her temper is there and starting to really come out!
For the most part though my 15 month old is a bundle of energy and joy. She doesn't walk anywhere, she RUNS! She makes me smile everyday. I love hearing Ma Ma or Mame (sounds like May-Me) as she is trying to say Mommy. He little voice and smile just brighten my day.
Thanks for following our blog and enjoy the first part of August! :)

There's Summer's sweet smile (with all her teeth she is getting)!

The 15 month bunny shot with my foot. I should have cropped this in but oh well. She's just so fast I didn't even have time to zoom in. The rest were of her wiggling and hugging her bunny.

Eventually she just got up and put her bunny in her princess chair. All finished with that Mommy!

Next up the blanket photo. She is getting so big that she scooted up past where I normally start her and is hanging off the bottom. Wiggle Wiggle!

See ya Mommy!
After she left I folded the blanket to put it way and about 5 minutes later Summer took it out and was trying to spread it out. I helped her and all day she played on it. Very amusing!

You can't see him very well but Alexander is in the back of Daisy's kennel and Summer decided to join him.

I moved Summer out and got this picture of Alexander. He quickly darted away after this picture.

Summer likes to find pictures of Da Da around the house. She never points me or anyone else out but always loves to find her Da Da. So here she is sitting on the counter of the shelf looking for Da Da in pictures.

I moved her to a safer spot to get a couple more photos!
I love this look of hers!

I had just cleaned up her play area and Summer decided to pull out all of her books. Oh well! i am glad she loves her books and to "read".

She's like, "What Mommy?"

It was windy out right before a storm and Summer loved it. She kept running around and then chasing this ball!

Summer tries gymnastics! Oh what fun we had crawling, pulling up, balancing on the balance beam and jumping on the trampoline. Mommy's going to wait a until she is a little older (they recommend 18 months) and then sign her up for the Butterfly class!

Summer would swing and then pull herself above the bar. She is so strong!

Summer found a drawer with some large Tupperware bowls. The best toys ever!

Look a hat I can see through!

Summer pulled the tray close and put her sippy cup on the coaster. I just had to get a picture of that. So funny how they pay such close attention to what you do!

More pool fun!