Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 20th-31st 2010

August is almost past us! So my 15 month old sweet girl turns 16 months tomorrow!
The end of the month has been a busy blur and we have some fun events coming up that we are excited for. Stay tuned!

Mr. Brett took some good pictures at a farewell party for our friend Carrie.

We will miss you Carrie!

Carrie's youngest son, Luke, and Summer had a great time together. This is just the sweetest picture of the 2 of them.

We caught you! What happens at your grandma's stays at grandma's (until Mommy finds the pictures in her inbox). Summer had a grand time pulling apart her Mom-Mom's sewing box.

Oh so excited! Getting ready for Mommy and Me for the year. I can't believe that last year she started Mommy and Me at 3 months old. I have an alphabet scrapbook from last year. It goes from 3 months to 12 months. Ask me to see it sometime!

Mommy and Summer!

Dancing in the middle of everyone! Busy busy! Summer had a blast!

Listening to a story!

Her school bus mask! :)

Hanging out in Daisy's bed with Mommy's book.

Let's see what book Mommy should read next.

Mommy wanted to fool around with her camera and found a perfect subject. A little blurry but a fun pic.

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