Friday, August 20, 2010

August 11th-19th

Busy Bee Summer-August 11th-19th
I will start off with the most important.... Summer's 15 month Dr.'s appointment. Unfortunately I didn't have a memory card in my camera so I didn't get any pictures at the Dr.'s but I did come home and snap some.
Summer now weighs 22 lbs 5.5 oz (22 percentile) and is 31" (62 percentile)! "She is tall and skinny" said, Dr. M. She is a good eater and is continuing to grow just fine! Dr. M was happy with all of Summer's progress.
Poor Summer had to have her blood tested so they pricked her toe (no tears). Mommy couldn't look. Blood makes me queasy. I am okay with needles. NOT okay with blood. Next up Summer had 2 shots. She cried initially but recovered within a minute and was waving bye-bye. She is a tough cookie. She was most fascinated with the band-aides.
In this post you will also get to see Summer hanging out with Daisy and Alexander. You will also see her proudly sitting in the chairs she climbs up!

Summer decided that this pink Hippo needed to come with her to the Dr.'s and she held on to it the whole time.

See Summer's 2 band aides? Poor thing had 2 shots.

Here she is trying to look at them both. She spun around a couple times. :)

Here's her Meow-Meow. She was happy he wasn't running away. I think Alexander felt safer high up.

I did it!

Then later she climbed up again and I caught her trying to type on my laptop. Look at that face!

Cuddling with her Dede. That's Daisy's latest name. She really is trying hard to get Daisy's name right.

My parents went to Hawaii in the spring and brought back this Hawaiian dress for Summer with some matching flower hair clips.

We went to Aunt Lis' house to have dinner last week. We were getting ready to leave so Summer had her PJ's on and was getting a little giddy past bedtime!

Kisses for Aunt Lis!

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