Monday, August 2, 2010

July 2010

July, July and more July!
These are pictures from July that didn't fit with my last couple of blog posts! I can't believe it is already August. Look for a post on Summer turning 15 months soon!

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles! Summer loves bubbles!

Summer has also decided that she loves shoes. She has pretty much been barefoot all summer unless we were out and she was going to be walking on a public floor. Now she finds her shoes and tries to put them on. She also gets them after her nap for you to put back on her!

See my shoes Mommy?

Lifting up her feet to get her shoes!

Summer, Emmy and I went to the Fernbank Museum for the day last week. We had a lot of fun. Summer was a really good baby, even during the IMAX show. She liked having her own seat or walking around. Luckily it wasn't too crowed at the museum or in the IMAX so Summer could have some freedom!

The special exhibit while we were there was Geckos. Emmy and I had a lot of fun trying to find them all in each of their habitats.

Look you can see Emmy's reflection in her big bubble!

Shadows and color! Summer wasn't too sure what to think of all the colored light and shadows. Fun picture though!

Emmy caught a butterfly!

Summer has started eating more food on her own with a spoon or a fork! Here she is eating some yogurt! Just a little messy!

I know it's way too early to tell but I really think Summer might be a lefty. Tom is left handed and she tends to eat, color and throw with her left hand. We shall see!

So proud of herself!

Pool time!

My drink is always so much better then Summer's-even if we are drinking the same thing!

I took Emmy and Summer to Chuckie Cheese's a couple of weeks ago. Summer actually liked the rides and Emmy went through 75 tokens in about a 1/2 hour! We have been twice and the first time it was calm and super clean. This time it was crazy busy with some day care field trips so it worked out well for it to be a quick visit!

Driving with her feet......

Standing while driving......hmmm don't know where she learned to drive!?!

Sometimes Summer will wear her sunglasses but she mostly likes hats!

I can do it now Mommy!

Summer likes to brush her teeth every morning while I brush mine. Mommy does it first and then Summer gets a turn. I am glad she likes to brush her teeth. She comes up and points to her toothbrush if I haven't given it to her yet.

(Oh notice...the left hand again!)

Reading books with Da Da.

Playing in the backyard while Da Da does yard work.

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