Wednesday, February 23, 2011

21 Months and Counting-Feb 2011

February 2011
Summer turned 21 months on February 1st. Tom and I were away on our cruise so I took her bunny photos (I do them every 3 months now) when we got back. I was surprised that I was able to get a couple of good ones. The only thing now is after you take Summer's picture she wants to see it right away. :)
Summer's talking has just taken off even more. Her little voice is so sweet! She loves to play in her kitchen, run everywhere, color, and play with her Little People. She is busy busy all the time and makes me smile everyday.
We went on a walk this past weekend and she got tired of riding in her stroller and ended up running/walking a whole mile! She never ceases to amaze me! :) I love my sweet Summer so much!

She loves her bunny!

This was a good one. Too bad the strap was in the way. I had to be quick.

No strap but now we have our sippy cup!

She is growing off the blanket. I used to line her head up right in the center. It's amazing how much Summer has grown and changed!

Valentine's Day at Mommy and Me

Silly dancing time!

It was so windy and Summer kept making silly faces outside.

Loving on her Dada!

One of Summer's Christmas presents from her GA grandparents was on back-order and it just came in. She loves this big comfy chair with her name on it!

She is very proud that is says her name. She can spell most of it herself!

Here's the chair's new home in her book corner.

Summer got a Valentine's package from her Indiana grandparents and this book was in it!

Emmy, the 9 year old I watch a couple times a week, decided to use my camera to get some pictures of Summer. I love her perspective. All the rest of the pictures in this blog Emmy took. This is a small sampling of the 200 she took in this one afternoon.

At the Park!

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