Monday, March 28, 2011

Summer has a Secret....

I have a secret.....

I'm going to be a BIG sister!
That's right! Tom and I found out on our cruise that we are expecting baby #2!!! We are all VERY excited! Lil' Pumpkin is due October 8th (so I am just over 12 weeks along). Lil' Pumpkin has been making me feel pretty sick and very tired. I am starting to feel much better and am so happy to be pregnant again.

We found out on Day 5 of our cruise-Wednesday, February 2, 2010.

We told our parents by mailing them postcards with the news on it! It was very hard to wait for them to get their postcards but a fun way to tell them!

The official digital Pregnancy test.

We have had 2 Dr's appointments so we have Lil' Pumpkin's first pictures and have heard the heartbeat twice!

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