Monday, June 6, 2011

Found Pictures #2!

Another set of pictures that were recovered!!!
These are from Mommy and Me-Mother's Day and Field Day.
May 2nd-May 9th

Summer was very excited to have "Happy Birthday" sung to her again!

My Mom was at Mommy and Me for the special Mother's Day celebration!
Summer took this picture! Not too bad. The rest were all of the carpet! :)
All the kids gave Ms. Nancy a flower for Mother's Day!
Summer was not happy to have her picture taken. I just thought she looked so cute in her white polo dress that her Dada got her (not on sale at full price at Dillard's....tell me some little sweet girl doesn't have her Daddy wrapped around her finger). :)

18 weeks and counting!
(May 7th)

Field Day at Mommy and Me!
Run Summer Run!
The egg on the spoon race. Summer dropped her egg several times. I can't believe I caught a picture of it falling!
Ms. Nancy was passing out medal to all the kids.
Summer with her medal. As usual when she sees it she likes to wear it all the time-along with silly band bracelets from her birthday party!

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