Monday, September 19, 2011

August 2011

August 2011

Here are some pictures that I hadn't put on the blog from last month! I am getting pretty caught up though at this point.

Happy Viewing!

This was at Open House at Summer's school. Summer found the Little People and knew she would love it in Ms. Mary's classroom!

Summer's good friend Addison is in her class!

Summer and Ms. Mary! You should hear the way Summer says Ms. Mary. It's the sweetest thing. Mary lives in our neighborhood and Summer loves to point out which house is her teachers.

For Open House they had a Bounce House. Of course the first day we show up Summer wanted to know where the bounce house was!

Strawberry time!

Barrettes and a center part! Summer isn't always cooperative with doing her hair but when she is it so cute!

Summer was playing dress up and decided that Daisy needed to dress up as well. I can't believe Daisy stayed still enough for me to take a picture!

Summer and her dress up choices. I need to get a picture of her when she has on 4 different tutus! It's amusing!

Summer and Daisy were both hiding in the pillows. This time though when I went to get the camera Daisy had run away.

We made it to the pool at least once in August and Summer wanted to wear her sunglasses like Mommy! And yes we still LOVE Minnie Mouse!

Summer hid Daisy in the pillows and was quite proud (the camera was very close by).

Daisy looking...... Help!

Summer looking....silly!

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