Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Belly Photos! Sept 2011

Maternity Photo Shoot
September 15, 2011
I am just shy of 37 weeks in these photos and boy do I feel bigger then I was when I was pregnant with my sweet girl! I am 38 weeks now and I am still growing (I think he might be running out of room in there)! Little Guy is ready to come out and meet us all any day now and I can't wait! Although Tom has a couple more days of travel so we all need to wait just a little longer! :)

Summer's Birthday is May 1st and my birthday is May 24th. Tom's is October 31st so I am hoping to keep this Little Guy in until October so they can share a birth month like Summer and I do!

These pictures were fun and so different from our first maternity photo shoot since we had a 2 year old to add in the mix. Amber, who did Summer's 2 year pictures, did these (and she is due Oct 20th, not far behind me).

It's belly time......

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