Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fabulous February Fun!!

Moving right along…last February post! Getting closer and closer to being more caught up! Here’s more pictures of the silly, fun adventures of Summer and Tucker!

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All better and bonding on the play mat-which Tucker scoots off of all the time now.

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Still working on getting my pouty picture! Love this one of the 2 of them!

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Check out Summer’s cute outfit from GAB (her Valentine’s gift). Almost got Tucker’s pout…but wait…..


GOT IT!!! Isn’t it the most adorable pathetic little face? It melts my heart! His little chin will start quivering! Oh sweet Tucker how I love you!

IMG_9737 Okay back to HAPPY Tucker in his exersaucer!

IMG_9739 Janna came to visit for 4 days and we all had lots of fun! It was so good to see her! Thanks for coming to GA. We are heading to MD for a week so and I can’t wait to see her again and many more friends and family! Whoo hooo!

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Sweet little guy starting to sit more on his own. He does the tripod sit or the chew on the feet sit most of the time! Summer was trying to get in one of these pictures! Silly girl!

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More firsts…Bumbo (we have 2, this one is really a “Summer” seat , the brand) and sitting in the high chair at breakfast.


Summer wanted me to snap a picture of her too at breakfast! Love the wild hair!


Getting ready to walk the kids to the park in the double jogger! I did it! Had to pump up the tires and get everything situated but it really works well! They love being next to each other! We also have a trailer that we can put them in together to pull them with our bikes. Well Tom can pull them with his bike. I am just learning to use a 20 speed bike. It’s cute and they love it!

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All dressed up for Praise Town at school. It’s a community helpers day where the kids go from room to room and get to participate in activities like you would in a community. They got to make pizza, decorate cookies, go to the movies, build at Home Depot and more. Summer had a great time! They do so many great things at her school and Summer just loves it (and it makes Mommy feel good as well). The kids get to dress up so Summer was a baker! I think she loved the mitt the most!


Love these shirts that cousin Sarah got for the kids! It was nice to have them in bigger sizes so they can wear them know (and much to Summer’s dismay she has pretty much outgrown her other Big Sister shirts. I assure her she is still indeed a big sister).

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With some layering Tucker now fits into his Papa Jacks T-shirt! Thanks Mr. Bill! Papa Jacks is a country kitchen that we go to every Saturday morning. They are known for their biscuits. However, for now Summer and I share hoecakes (corn pancakes) and eggs when we go. She’s not that into biscuits yet…I know why…. she just LOVES the syrup on the hoecakes!


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