Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Beginning of March 3/1– 3/15

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We started off the month with Donuts with Dad! Summer was very excited to have Daddy take her to school and come in for some tasty donuts! Here’s a couple of cute pictures before they headed to school. Summer was all dressed up with a necklace on as well. So sweet!

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Tucker is on the move…luckily just by rolling and scooting so far! It’s funny how with your first you want every milestone so fast and can’t wait. Well with Tucker we want him to take his time. Although I did catch Summer trying to teach him to crawl the other morning. I don’t think she realizes what he will be able to get into once he is really on the move!

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“Pp” day at Mommy and Me! Summer and I had our hair fixed up the same way! We all got to wear our PJ’s and eat pancakes! Fun and yummy!

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Bubble time!

Jeniphone     swing

We are going from our Winter (really spring) into Spring (getting hot like summer) so here are the kiddos at the park! Tucker’s first swing ride! He wasn’t really sure what to think! Summer was upset that I wasn’t pushing her because I was taking a picture. Life sure can be tough for a 2 year old!

IMG_9838  Sweet baby loves!

  bike   This is the trailer to pull the kids biking! Tom (not me) gets to pull them while we ride our road bikes! Thanks husband!

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Park fun with our MOPS friends! Tucker of course was hanging out in his car seat!

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Summer sure can make her baby brother giggle from the belly! I also took some video of her making him giggle. It just makes you smile and smile and smile. I am so glad she really loves him so much! So far so good (but like I said, watch out when he starts getting into her stuff…LOL).


Summer grew this special plant at school. She would tell us how it was made. God made it first and then she put dirt, gave it water, and Ms. Mary helped too! She is very articulate and doesn’t miss a thing…watch what you say around Ms. Summer Lynn!

PS- I already posted St. Patrick’s Day so next up is our 1 week trip to Maryland!!

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