Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tucker is 6 months old!!! 3/30/12


Sweet Tucker is 6 months old! We can’t believe it! A half year has gone by already. Plus in less then a month Summer will be 3! Time is flying by as usual here at the Zimmerman house.The weather is beautiful and we are out enjoying it…biking, planting flowers, playing ball, sidewalk chalk, going to the park etc.

Tucker continues to be a happy baby. He sits up on his own and enjoys rolling and scooting all around. Summer still tries to teach him to crawl but we think it’s a good thing he hasn’t gotten that skill yet. He sleeps through the night and giggles very loudly when Summer tickles him and when you get him “talking”.

We thought maybe he was working on a tooth for a couple days but it never popped out. He did get to try Rice Cereal on his 6 month birthday and we think he is looking forward to other foods!

His Dr’s stats are below with his pictures!

Happy 6 month Birthday Tucker David!


Puppy Photo!


“Soooooooo Big” on his quilt.

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Summer wanted to lay on her quilt. Tucker looked on as I took her picture.

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Time for Rice Cereal! What’s Tucker going to think?

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I don’t think Tucker is sure what to think. Summer really enjoyed helping to feed Tucker. Daddy was a great photographer!

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Happier baby now! Summer decided Tucker needed to be cleaned up.


All done! Let’s get this bib off!

April 3rd-6  Doctor's Appointment

Dr1      dr2

Tucker was a happy guy until he got his shots! Poor thing! Luckily he recovered well.

Tucker now weighs 16 lbs  1 oz , which is 33%tile

and is 26 3/4” which is in the 60%tile!

Dr. M was very happy with Tucker’s progress and he is a healthy baby!





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