Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Maryland Part 2- Thursday March 22nd


Thursday was so busy it gets a post of its own! On Thursday we went to Erika’s house for a play date with Mason and Jacob and Aubrey! Erika and Jessica (Aubrey’s Mommy) had never met Tucker and I hadn’t met Jacob yet.  Will list everyone below.

After leaving Erika’s we went to my Aunt Paula’s to see some family! More below on that as well.

I love you guys so much! So glad we could all be together!


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Me and My 2 kids-Summer-2 years 10 months, Tucker-almost 6 months

Jessica with Aubrey- a little over 1 1/2

Erika with Mason-2 years 3 months and Jacob-almost 3 months

Hard to believe Summer is the oldest. Tucker and Jacob are 3 months apart and almost weigh the same. So sweet! I loved seeing the changes in Mason and Aubrey and loved meeting Jacob! Wished we lived closer to have our kids together more often. It was a fun play date! Thanks Erika!




Jessica got a bunch of great pictures as well! Here’s a collage of them. Thanks for sharing Jessica!!!

From City to Country:


After our play date the kids and I drove to Hagerstown to be with my Aunt Paula, cousin Sarah and her 2 kids, Alexis and Maddy. Jason (Sarah’s husband), Pap (my cousins grandfather) and my cousins Nate and Mike were also there as well. The girls had the best time playing outside! Finally some sunshine! Very fun! Alexis is 6,  and Maddy is 3.


Maddy, Alex and Summer having a great time outside!


We had a great visit at Aunt Paula’s! Always good to see her and my cousins! The girls had a wonderful time together and were very sweet with Tucker!



Part 3 …coming up….

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