Monday, April 30, 2012

Maryland Part 4 (last one)-March 24th and 25th


Tom had to leave from working in MD to another show up North on Thursday so the kids and I stayed at Aunt Paula’s Thursday night and then with the Sawyer Family for the rest of our trip! Thanks everyone for always being so accommodating!

On Saturday we woke up and decided to have a more low key day! We had been on the go all week and the kids (and I) were tired! It was rainy and a perfect day for Chic-fil-a for lunch. We got to see Jessica and Aubrey again!

Then Gina and her 2 kids, Hailey (3) and Anthony (11 months) came over for a pizza dinner. Easy and fun! I hadn’t met Anthony yet (we weren’t able to get together for my last visit in June) so that was loads of fun!

Sunday we headed back to GA! Much quicker trip this time! Thank goodness!


Lunch at Chic-fil-a! Tucker, Leah and Aubrey


Sadie enjoying her lunch!


Summer saying goodbye to Jessica and Aubrey!


Fun at the Sawyer house!


Tucker and Aunt Colleen! He was giggling!


Gina, Hailey and Anthony came to visit! Summer and Hailey liked the piano. Anthony wanted to play with Tucker! It was so good to see Gina and Hailey again and meet Anthony! He was on the move.


What a wonderful visit to Maryland! We got to see so many friends and family and it really meant a lot!

And as I have been working on these blog posts I kept saying, “Don’t be sad that it is over. Be happy that it happened.” Love all of you!!! Thanks for a memorable visit!!

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