Monday, April 30, 2012

Tucker is 7 months old-4/30/12


What a week! Today Tucker turned 7 months old and tomorrow Summer turns 3! Let’s start with Tucker’s post and then soon you will see a post for Summer. She is in these pictures in a birthday outfit. We celebrated her birthday at Mommy and Me today.

On to sweet Tucker! Another month!!! He continues to change and brighten our lives daily! He is trying desperately to crawl and Summer shows him all the time how to do it. He has strong arms and legs and pulls himself up. I will have to admit that I often set him back on his bottom when he tries to crawl. :) I know what will happen when he crawls. Summer doesn’t. Plus I want to keep him a baby longer. I rushed all milestones with Summer (as most of us do with our first) and want to take my time with Tucker.

His “talking” has changed and there are more clear vowel sounds and I am sure I have heard a Dada in there. I try to get him to say Mama and Summer tries to get him to say Summer. All so sweet!

He is still super cuddly and loves his Daddy so much! His face lights up when he sees Tom and Tucker is so responsive to him. I love it!

Tucker really knows his name. I love how he turns when we say it.

On and on I could go about our Lil guy! I know there’s more but it’s time to move on! Enjoy his monthly pictures! I owe you tons from this past month!



7 months old today! Getting so long!


Summer wanted to join in on the photo fun!



Here’s how you crawl Tucker!


The puppy photos…so many cute ones! I couldn’t choose!




Summer got her bunny and lined up everyone to get a group shot!



Tucker-7 months, and Summer one day shy of 3! We love you both sooooo much!!!!

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