Saturday, June 2, 2012

Tucker is 8 months old 5/30/12


Yes, I can’t believe myself but our sweet baby has just turned 8 month old! Time is flying! I am going to post his 5 month (bathtub), 6 month (overalls, Master’s shirt) and 7 month (lemonade stand) all together once I have the lemonade min’s from May. Then you will really see the changes!

Tucker is officially crawling! He has been scooting and rolling and pretty much getting everywhere he wanted. However, on May 15th he decided he wanted to get up and crawl and boy can he move now! He is fast!

Tucker is also starting to get his first tooth. You can just see the top of it!

He is sweet, easygoing and happy pretty much all the time! At the child care at our gym he is known as the happy baby! He has  a smile for everyone and his little personality is just coming out!

Here’s his puppy and quilt photos!


Wiggle! Wiggle! Wiggle!


Hard to see but at the bottom of his mouth is the little tooth poking through!


Crawling away from me and the camera!


Soooooo big! Smile


Summer likes to join in during the photo shoot. She couldn’t find her bunny so she grabbed her lion.

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