Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ocean City~Part 2 August 6th and 7th

The beach fun continues…..



Summer always looks fashionable but doesn’t mind getting dirty! Aunt Lis is helping Tucker take a nap on the beach.


Time to feed the sea gulls. Summer, Sadie and Maddy had a blast feeding them.


Jumping the waves with Daddy!


Tom took Summer to the “Kite Loft” to pick out her very own kite. They didn’t have any Disney Princess ones but Summer managed to find a mermaid that looked pretty close to “The Little Mermaid, Ariel” and was thrilled!


Aunt Paula and Tucker watching the “Ariel” kite.


Time for some MD CRABS!!! Yum! Mom, Dad, Lis, Tom, Summer, Tucker and I met up with Colleen, Jason, Leah and Sadie for some crabs and seafood at the Crab Bag.


Here’s Dad doing one of his favorite things….picking crabs. He got the all you can eat and Tom, Lis and I got a dozen super jumbos. The second picture is one of our crabs. They were really good!


Next up: Another OC favorite…Mini Golf! And Mini Golf with 6 kids is very interesting to say the least! Poor Tucker is out numbered in this group. 5 girls to one boy.

Sadie (3), Summer (3), Leah (7), Alex (6), and Maddy (3). Not pictured above-Tucker-10 months.


All of these group shots crack me up!


Summer wanted to golf all by herself. Opps it went behind her instead of in front!




These 2 days were so much fun! The beach, kite flying, wave jumping, eating crabs, (and we had more ice cream) and Mini gold! The true Ocean City experience. More to come!

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