Saturday, April 27, 2013

Donuts with Dad and a Play date! 3/5/13


Back in March Summer had Donuts with Dad at her school! She came home with a special invitation for her Dada and he was delighted to go with her. “You Donut want to miss it!”


Dada came home with some special art-a picture of the 2 of them and a sheet that Summer answered questions about her Dada.

Here’s what was on it (her answers in bold):

My Daddy is a Superhero because…..

He is 12 feet tall (longer than me).

He weighs 14lbs.

He has brown eyes.

His favorite food is broccoli.

He goes to work at where the others work and there are pictures of me.

His favorite thing to do with me is take me to the car wash and takes me to his work.

He loves me more then all the hearts in the world.

I’m so thankful you are my DADDY!

I love you more than all the Sunshine.




Summer thought it would be nice to include Tucker in a couple photos with Dada as well!


While Summer and Dada were at school enjoying donuts Tucker had some friends over for a play date! They enjoyed a snack and had fun playing with all of the toys. Summer had lots of play dates when she was little so I am trying to get some more on a regular basis for Tucker while she is in school! He always goes on all of our MOPS play dates and other weekly adventures but it’s good for him to have some on his own!


Garrett, Emily and Tucker had a great time!


Surprise! Surprise-Tucker emptied a cubby and climbed on it it! That’s my boy!

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