Monday, January 6, 2014

August 2013-It’s a Girl!!


Back in August is when we found out that BZ3 was a girl! The tech that was 75% sure when I was 12 weeks pregnant was right! Tom and I decided to bring Summer along to confirm it was a girl at my 21 week appointment.



20 weeks pregnant- beginning of August!


Here we are ready for the Dr’s appointment!


It’s a GIRL! The tech said it looks like another princess and Summer was thrilled!


We decided to make pink (strawberry) cupcakes to pass out to some friends and to Mom and Dad for them to open and see it is pink so it’s a girl!


We took one to one of Summer’s best friends-Carrington! She was excited to unwrap and see the pink!


Tucker and Summer enjoyed sampling the cupcakes! Not sure if Tucker understands yet he is going to be outnumbered (I know his Dada does Winking smile).


For each of our babies we have recorded the heartbeat on a recorder at the drs office and then when we find out if it’s a boy or a girl we make a build-a-bear to put the heartbeat in. Summer’s was a bunny. Tucker's a puppy and BZ3 has a pink bear. I then take their monthly pictures with their friend. Summer and Tucker got to back the 3 pink bears for us, Mom-Mom and Pops and Grandma Susie and Grandpa Max. It was a lot of fun!


Time to tell Mom-Mom and Pops at dinner! We started with dessert first-the strawberry cupcakes!


Next up-the pink bear!


A family photo!

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