Monday, January 6, 2014

June/July Ms. Heathers 2013

Ok here we go! The big catch up! Piper (BZ3) is here and I want the blog caught up! This blog helps with my scrapbooks and is great for all the friends and family I have all around the country and world! Thanks for being patient!

In June and July Summer went to Ms. Heathers Math Camp! She had a blast. She also went to Ms. Morgan’s gymnastics before came once a week! A great experience all the way around. She learned lots of math concepts and had fun while doing it!


Summer in her new leotard for Ms. Morgan’s gymnastics class!


Each week there was a different theme and Summer would come home with lots of projects! I love anything with pictures and handprints so I saved all of those to put in her end of came binder! Thanks Ms. Heather!



At the end of the 2 months there was a special program with all the kids for the parents to see what they had learned! So fun!



Ms. Morgan and Ms. Heather posing with Summer!

Fun and learning! What a great summer camp!

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