Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Part 2-Christmas Day!

Christmas Day 2009!
Summer's first Christmas started at our house in our PJ's with opening Santa's gifts and gifts from Mommy and Daddy!
As you will see soon Summer was most interested in the bows and wrapping paper all day long.
She got tons of toys, clothes and love!
She even got Mommy a special "S" charm for Mommy's Tiffany Bracelet (my push present from Tom in May) and Daddy a nice frame with a picture of herself in it of course!
After we did Christmas at our house we headed to my parents house. Summer in her Christmas dress-another Gretta La Rue!
Then in the late afternoon Grandpa Max and Grandpa Susie came from Indiana and we had our Christmas dinner at Mom-Mom and Pops' house! YUMMY!
Part 3 coming soon! :)

What are these?

I like this bow!

Where did the bow go Mommy?

Bow gone, back in front of the presents!

Going for the green bow now!

Got it! Christmas is fun!

Unwrapping the gifts. Daddy let me chew the paper!

Mommy found me my first camera! It teaches me numbers,sings songs and has a fun mirror!

Opening the big gift!

Great! A new toy to put in my mouth.

Summer's big gift was a Little People riding toy. So far she is a little young to ride it but she loves to hit the buttons, chew on it and put things in the seat compartment.

Summer's PJ's said, "Baby's First Christmas."

No big smiles for Mommy before we left for Mom-Mom and Pops'. She just wanted to crawl to her new toys! Her sweet dress is a Gretta La Rue.
I did get a really good one on my camera phone (not pictured).

Trying to chew on one of her stocking gifts from Mom-Mom and Pops!

The girls! Aunt Lis, Mommy, Summer and Mom-Mom!

Summer was getting tired of this photo shoot at this point and was getting wiggly!

Loving the wrapping paper!

Gifts from Summer...more pictures of her!

Summer had so many presents to open Aunt Lis fell asleep while Summer was opening them. Tom decided it would be fun to give Aunt Lis a "blanket."

Summer was playing "hide and seek" under our coffee table. Mommy found her!

Who needs old toys when there are coffee tables! Summer spend over 15 minutes banging, laughing and giggling on my parents coffee table!

What a great Christmas! Summer's favorite gifts included the balls from her fancy ball machine, her camera, her "hot wheels" (they are plastic cars) and her baby doll stroller that she is starting to push! Thanks everyone for a great Christmas!

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