Monday, May 31, 2010

A Tennis Tournament and Mommy's New Camera 5/21-5/26

Tom and I both played in a Tennis Tournament May 21-23rd. Tom won in his division and I lost but we both had fun. I brought Summer to watch Daddy play in her new tennis dress. She loved carrying around 2 tennis balls!

Everyone kept asking where her tennis shoes were. She has some but they are Nike and this was an Adidas outfit!

Being silly while we watched Daddy play!
So I got an early Birthday present from my wonderful husband, a DSLR Cannon Rebel T2. I am super excited and alreday love how quickly it takes pictures! I decided I would play around with it while Summer got to try out her new bubble blower!

The pictures are so clear and the camera is so fast!

Summer soon lost interest in the bubbles and was more interested in the bubble solution.

Look at her hair!!

I LOVE THIS ONE! Her little smirk!

It looks like she is holding the camera out to get a picture of herself!

Being a model is tiring. I think I will lay down and have a rest for a second or 2 (literally that's how long her "rest" was.)

Trying out a different lens!

Summer is always in constant motion! Busy Busy!

Summer's special outfit for my birthday!

Playing with bubbles and balls outside before we went to the pool!

I love my new camera! Plenty of more pictures to come!! :)

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