Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! Part 2

Happy Thanksgiving!
We hope you had a good one. We stayed in GA this year. The first time since we have moved here. It was nice (and warm). Summer and I spent the morning watching the Macy's Day parade in our PJ's. I think that was the first time I have ever watched the whole 3 hours of the parade. Summer like the singing and dancing. Especially to the Sesame Street float. Tom painted all morning. Then we got ready and headed to my parents house for a Thanksgiving Feast, Football watching and family game time. It was a nice day!
Now I was hoping we would get a jump start on our decorating but that hasn't happened yet (unlike our neighbors where Christmas is everywhere)! We did do some black Friday shopping! We were at Toys R Us at 10 pm on Thanksgiving. It was fun-but only because it was warm and Tom waited in line while I shopped so we were efficient!
And now we still have a full weekend left to do some things (and hopefully some Christmas decorating-although now it is COLD).
Hope your Thanksgiving was as relaxing as ours!
I can't believe this was Summer's second one. So weird to be into seconds, although there are still so many more firsts!
Looking at our Thanksgiving Turkey pumpkin!

Hmmm...this corn looks yummy!

Pretty flower!

Thanksgiving time with Aunt Lis!

Summer wanted her Mommy to wear her flower!

Summer was excited with the Black Friday deals Tom and I got her. So with the money we saved we got her these stores! :) She got a Christmas Elmo with a book and the Santa Sing-A-Ma-Jig.

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