Monday, November 8, 2010

Mommy and Me-"Ff" Day! 11/1/10

Summer loved this Mommy and Me! She got to dance to the Freeze song, march with a Flag, learn about Fire safety and explore a Fire engine!

"Ff" Day was fun!

Thanks Ms. Nancy and Mr. Jason the firefighter for coming in

Summer actually sat still for the beginning of this Mommy and Me. I had to get some pictures of her SITTING! Proof that it does happen!

We didn't sit for long. Soon it was time to dance to the Freeze song and march with our Flags!

March Ms. Nancy, March!

Engine 14 came to our Mommy and Me! Mr. Jason told us all about Fire Safety and then we got to see the fire engine.

While waiting for her turn to "drive" the fire engine Summer had a rest on a pumpkin!

Summer LOVED "driving" the fire engine. Can you tell?

A group shot of our Mommy and Me with visitors class!

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