Monday, November 15, 2010

Summer's 18 1/2 months old! 11/15/10

Summer is 18 1/2 months old!
So today Summer had her 18 month Dr's appointment and I realized I still needed to get her 18 month bunny photo. I managed to get one before she wiggled and ran away giggling at her silly Mommy. Summer then decided she needed to bring her bunny with her to the Dr's. Very sweet!
I can't believe this precious baby girl has grown up so much (and so fast). She runs everywhere and just has a joyful spirit about her. She says so many words-Mama, Dada, ball, up/down, meow-meow, Daisy, wolf, vroom-vroom, bye-bye, hi, please, moo, neigh, duck, bunny, go, night-night, no (how could I almost forget that one?) and I know there are more I am forgetting. She can put them together to make sentences and tries to say all kinds of other words.
She knows her body parts-especially the parts of the face. Showing her teeth are her favorite. She now has 13 teeth with another on the way!
Summer loves Sesame street, building with blocks, her vroom-vrooms, coloring and playing in general. She loves to go up and down the stairs and will sit and scoot when you remind her! She doesn't like dirty diapers (a good sign for future potty training) and she says Daisy and Meow-Meow when she wants to go home. Summer loves horsey rides on her Daddy. She yells Go Go peas (please)!
I could go on and on about this special girl Summer Lynn!
She is 23 lbs 2 oz (29 %) and 32 1/2 " (70%)
Happy 1 1/2 Birthday Little Bit! I love you!

Summer was very brave at the Dr's. She didn't shed one tear when they gave her 3 shots! I almost cried for her. She just really wanted her clothes back on.

After the Dr.'s we had lunch with Ms. Carrie! Yummy Mexican. Summer had a lot more fun here then at the Dr.'s!

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