Monday, January 31, 2011

A typical week...

Our Typical Week......

Monday-Mommy and Me



Thursday-(every other) MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers)


On Tuesdays and Thursday I watch Emmy after school.

Summer and I are always on the go and we love it!

These are pictures from last week.

Monday-Mommy and Me

We hadn't had Mommy and Me in over a month (bc of the Winter break, snow and MLK Jr Day). We sure missed it and it was fun to see all of our friends again and learn about the letter Jj.

Summer enjoys sitting right up front so she can see everything that Ms. Nancy is doing.

Before Gymboree Summer found this headband she wanted to wear as well. I told her to stay put while Mommy got her camera and when I got back she had her camera and was saying, "cheese".

She just loved the headband and the bow! :)


Notice she got rid of both hair accessories!

It was pizza day and Summer was throwing the "dough".

Tuesday-I watch Emmy (this pictures is from the week before).

Here are the girls with their special headpieces on that Emmy made for them!


Here Summer is sitting on her arrow warming up.

Tunnel Fun

On the balance beam!

One of her favorites....hanging from the bar.

We did not have MOPS this week so there are no Thursday pics.

Summer has moved to the table! She loves to sit with us when we are eating. She is very proud!

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