Monday, August 8, 2011

Fun times before we left for Indiana!

2 Birthday Parties and INK (Interactive Neighborhood for Kids)!

July 11th-20th

Summer got to go to her friend, Ben's, 3rd Birthday Party! It was a fireman Playball party and Summer had a blast!

The Hula Hoop Dance!

Firefighter Summer

The Birthday Boy-Ben!

Happy Birthday dear Ben!

Now onto a fun morning at INK. INK stands for Interactive Neighborhood for Kids and boy this neighborhood has everything! Summer had fun with her MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers) friends exploring all different rooms that represented a community. Here she is shopping away!

There was a music room! It looks like she knows what she is doing!

A big favorite...the choo choo train! She was able to make the whistle sound.

Another favorite was working in the Vet office. She gave all the animals medicine and hugs!

Firetruck fun!

Flying the airplane!

Summer had a great time at INK. I think there are at least 10 other rooms and activities that I didn't list here. It's a fun place!

Addison's Sprayland Birthday party!

Busy, busy running and splashing!

Another fun birthday party! Summer loves birthdays and you can see why! She has fun new adventures and ice cream and cake! :)

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