Saturday, August 20, 2011

A look at my Pregnancy....


So I haven't included many belly pictures this summer since I have always been behind in the blog. So I am taking a break on my Indiana updates to bring the very pregnant Jen! I am now 33 weeks and at my last Doctor's appointment at 32 weeks I was measuring right on track and doing well! Lil' Pumpkin or Little Guy as we call him more often was busy moving away (as he does all the time, especially when I am trying to sleep) at my appointment and his heartbeat was in the 160's for beats per minute.

I feel great and am surviving in this heat. We haven't gone to the pool or hung out outside nearly as much as we normally would but that's okay. I love being pregnant and really don't have many complaints. He moves all the time and the other day had a long case of hiccups. So sweet! I just can't wait to meet him and hold him.

Summer loves to feel her baby brother kick and seems excited to be a big sister. We read books about being a big sister and having a new baby in the house. She really likes the one that says big sisters get to have pizza, grapes and ice cream but new babies only have milk. She has taken to drawing pictures of baby brother (you will see one below). She finally understands that only Mommy has baby brother in her belly and he's not our belly buttons. She would point to our belly buttons, including her own, and say baby brother. She loves to point out babies when we are out and about and seems like she gets it somewhat. She will fully understand in 7 weeks!

Tom is doing great and working on many projects to be ready for our Little Guy. We are moving the guest bedroom to the basement, Summer to her big girl room (the old guest bedroom) and Little Guy will be in the nursery. Whew! Makes me tired just typing about it. We are lucky to have such a handy guy. Not to mention he is traveling a lot so he can make sure he is home more in the Fall when Little Guy gets here on or around October 8th. Thanks for all you do for us!

Most of you know that we do not share our name ideas or in this case the only name we have talked about. We need to get working on that as well. With Summer it was the hardest part of my pregnancy. We didn't even talk names until we found it we were having a boy this time. When he comes we will know for sure and so will you! At least there is some surprise in it since of course I had to know if we were having a boy or a girl.

So here I am ... big and pregnant and loving it!


33 weeks

Summer wanted to join in on the picture fun!

Here's Summer's first drawing of her baby brother. I would say he is going to be colorful and bright!


31 weeks

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