Thursday, November 10, 2011

Grandma Susie and Grandpa Max come to visit!

October 14th -17th

Grandma Susie and Grandpa Max came to visit for a long weekend when Tucker was just 2 weeks old. We had a great visit. Summer charmed them as usual and was her busy self and they loved meeting their newest grandchild!

Tucker is checking out his Grandpa!

Grandma Susie gets a chance to hold Tucker!

All the visitors wore Tucker out!

Summer loves Tucker's little feet. She says, "look at his cute feet" in this little voice that she uses when she talks to him. It's like when adults use a high pitch voice to talk to babies. It's really sweet. She just loves being a Big Sister!

Tucker's little foot and Summer's big one! I can't believe how big Summer seems to me now. It's hard to believe that she was this little.

Family dinner with both sets of grandparents and Aunt Lis!

Sleeping in Grandma's arms.

Summer, Grandpa Max and Tucker

Summer, Grandma Susie and Tucker

Everyone together! What a nice visit! Hope to see you again real soon!

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