Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tucker's 2nd week!

October 8th-14th

Tucker's 2nd week!

I have decided to go back and go in order for the blog! So you will just have to wait for more Halloween photos, Tom's birthday and Summer's and Tucker's Dr's appointments.I am determined to catch up in order. :)

So Tucker (and Summer) had a great week in the beginning of October. I caught some pictures with his eyes open and Summer had her usual busy week!

He really is the sweetest baby and Summer continues to amuse us all the time with the things she says. This week she was in to asking us questions about Tucker-"Why he cry Mama?", "Why he sleeping?" and so on! Very sweet! She also loves her "Big Sister" shirt with her pink Tutu!

Little Brother Tucker!

Tucker's first breakfast at Papa Jacks. He slept through the whole thing! The owner, Bill, is with Summer and Tucker! Summer has her standard meal there every Saturday morning-eggs, Hoecakes (corn pancakes) and chocolate milk.

Summer showing off her baby brother!

Aunt Lis and Tucker

Me and my sweet baby boy! Ahhh so in love!

Daddy with his kids!

Daddy got Summer a Kazam. It's a scooter with a seat. It's made for toddlers so they can start learning to balance. Summer has go it down (even in her Tutu and sandals) and LOVES it! "When I get bigger I get pedals."

We took Summer to Little Mulberry Park to ride her Kazam. She rode it for a mile and half before wanting to walk or go for a piggy back ride. Along the way she collected these acorns.

Tom worked from home so I was able to take Summer to Mommy and Me. It was Ee day. Here she is dancing with a lot of Energy!

Sitting so nicely with her friends for story time with Ms. Nancy!

Here Summer is with her chair next to Tucker so she can hang out with him. She sometimes accidentally wakes him up. Hmmmm....not sure how accidental it is. She just wants his attention.

It rained the day before (and maybe even the day after) but this is the day Summer wanted to wear her rain boots (not the day before or the day after).

I got her by the stork....if you can remember she wanted nothing to do with a family photo by the stork the week before! She is holding her new "big sister" dolly!

A yummy cookie tree we received from a company Tom works with. Very thoughtful and yummy!

Another sleeping picture!

Tucker at 2 weeks old in his Polo outfit from GAB and GUJ!

Summer and Tucker having a snuggle on Summer's bed! He gets to lay on her bed while we do stories at naptime and sometimes bedtime.

Tom and Tucker coordinate well in their red Polo!

See ya real soon! (Okay I so didn't mean to sound like Mickey Mouse but you know what I mean...lot more updates to come!)

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