Monday, October 31, 2011

Tucker's 1 month!

Tucker turned 1 month old yesterday-10/30/11! I took his picture with his Puppy. This is the puppy we made when we found out we were having a boy. It has a shirt on that says "It's a boy" and has his recorded heartbeat in it. For those of you whom have been following the blog for a while you know that I did monthly pictures of Summer with her bunny! The tradition lives on with Tucker! It's so easy at the beginning to get the picture!

I can't believe my sweet baby boy is already a month old!!! He is awake more but still not a lot. Tom thinks he has been asleep at least 18-20 of the first 30 days of his life! He is such a sweet baby and I just love cuddling and holding him. When he is awake he likes to be help by his Mama or look at one of is baby black and white toys. His little smiles make my day and he is just a wonderful addition to our family.

He has his one month appointment on Tuesday so I will update you on all his stats (along with Summer's-she has her 2 1/2 year appointment) at that point.

Tucker at 1 month:

Some of you might also remember Summer's pictures on her quilt to show her growth. Well that quilt was made by my students at Celebration (she still uses and loves it).

So I had my parents, Tom's parents, my sister, Tom's brother and family and Tom, Summer and I pick out fabric to make Tucker a quilt. It turned out pretty big so I am going to use half of it for the pictures.

Tucker's birth announcement!

PS-I know I owe the rest of October and Tucker's 2 newborn photo shoots. Lots more blogging to come! :)

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